School of Transformation

Learning how to Shape Change

The School of Transformation is a joint pilot project of the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change (KAT) and the House of Competence. Since its foundation in 2024, the offer has been aimed in particular at students of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), as well as at people who want to actively (co-)shape change. The School of Transformation is currently in an exploration phase.

Annika Fricke
You want to learn more about the School of Transformation?

Annika Fricke will be happy to advice you.


We are currently undergoing the biggest transformation process since the industrial revolution. It is not only the economy, politics, infrastructure and technology that are changing, we also need a profound cultural shift towards greater sustainability. In particular, we as humans are being addressed and called upon. A comprehensive and far-reaching sustainability transformation is both necessary and challenging. It can be frightening, but it can also inspire courage and a desire for the future. This is precisely where the School of Transformation comes in.

Logo der Schule der Transformation


In workshops and other courses, participants are empowered to explore themselves and their own willingness to change based on their individual life situation, to experience self-efficacy and to reflect on this together with other people in a protected environment. Based on the concepts of "personal sustainability" and "psychology of sustainability" as well as the competence approach of the "Inner Development Goals", they then take proactive action themselves and thus become part of the transformation.

The courses can be taken via the House of Competence and can be credited towards coursework in the interdisciplinary area.

2 Personen sitzen am Tisch und unterhalten sich. Der Hintergrund ist orange.

Current courses

Please register via the event page. 


Campaign day to celebrate the launch of the School of Transformation

Audience listening to presentation at the event "Lust auf Zukunft" in 2024.The campaign day  „Lust auf Zukunft! Wie gelingt Transformation? Stark. Mutig. Nachhaltig“ attracted around 50 students, transformation-enthusiastic KIT employees and Karlsruhe citizens to the Triangle in June 2024. The event also marked the official launch of the new pilot project at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the School of Transformation.

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The partners – a synergetic collaboration

The Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change (KAT) contributes experience and expertise in transformative research and education as well as in personal sustainability. It draws on the experience of the Quartier Zukunft real-world laboratory and the educational formats of the Karlsruhe School of Sustainability, which has been providing and further developing education for sustainable development at KIT in various formats for over 15 years. According to KAT's self-image, systemic thinking, transformation competence and personal sustainability go hand in hand.

The House of Competence is involved in particular with educational programs from the Perspectives Lab, which support students in their personal development and inner positioning. They open up new scope for action for students, as pioneers of change act as positive examples in the courses to encourage in-depth discussion and impetus for action. Self-reflection as a central competence of all courses creates an awareness of one's own role in transformation processes.

The School of Transformation is also supported by the KIT Center for People and Technology (MuT).