Cargo bike rental for Karlsruhe

Moving through the city in a climate-friendly way


lastenrad∂transformationszentrum org


0721 608 28954 (Tue-Thu from 14-18 o'clock)

Whether folding bikes, heavy-duty bikes or cargo bike trailers. The bikes from our fleet can be borrowed free of charge for up to four weeks. Various models with electric assistance are available. Our cargo bikes are suitable for anyone who wants to change their everyday routines and, for example, leave their car at home more often. We are also the right choice for anyone who simply wants to try out cargo bikes or who regularly needs to transport larger items around the city.

Lastenfahrräder stehen vor dem Zukunftsraum in Karlsruhe.
Drei Personen fahren Lastenfahrräder.

Our fleet

Carla Cargo eCARLA (36V)
Lastenfahrradanhänger mit elektrischer Unterstützung: Carla Cargo eCARLA (36V)


Faltrad Tern Vektron P7i
Faltrad mit elektrischer Unterstützung Tern Vektron P7i


Lastenfahrrad-Anhänger Croozer Cargo Pakko


Lastenfahrrad urban Arrow Shorty
Lastenfahrrad mit elektrischer Unterstützung Urban Arrow Shorty


Schwerlastenfahrrad Pickup Work 2.0
Schwerlastenfahrrad mit elektrischer Unterstützung XCYC Pickup Work 2.0


Ramroxx Bollerwagen
Ramroxx Bollerwagen


Everything important about rental

Who can borrow a cargo bike?

All private individuals, citizens and businesses from Karlsruhe can borrow our cargo bikes. Rental of the bikes is free of charge. The maximum rental period is four weeks.

How can I reserve a cargo bike?

The bikes can be requested and reserved via the email address lastenrad∂ Reservations can also be made in person at our Zukunftsraum in Rintheimer Straße 46, 76131 Karlsruhe. We are open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2-6 p.m. and can also be reached by phone during these times on 0721 608 28954.

I have never ridden a cargo bike before. What do I need to know?

Before the first rental, we will give you a short introduction so that you can familiarize yourself with the bike and the equipment.

Cover der KAT-Lastenrad-Broschüre

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(in German)


Tip: a self-experiment with a cargo bike

You don't have your own cargo bike, but would like to try out a change in your everyday life and simply leave your car behind? Then our cargo bike offer is just right for you. You can integrate the bike into your everyday life for up to four weeks and simply try out how it feels and how it changes your current lifestyle.

Temporary self-experiments make it possible to abandon established routines and adopt new perspectives. It's more about trying things out than about immediate, quick success. Because we simply learn the most from our own experience.

That's why we offer the rental of cargo bikes for four weeks, so that new actions in everyday life can be sufficiently explored. A self-experiment in the area of mobility can therefore provide the necessary impetus to integrate more sustainability into everyday life, for example.

Here you can find out more about how the self-experiment can be designed.

The cargo bikes are funded in context of te project "Klimaschutz gemeinsam wagen!" by Federal Ministry For Economic Affairs And Climate Action and by the National Climate Initiative.