"Labor Zukunft - Forschung ohne Kittel"

Applied research without overalls and safety goggles, but right in the middle of real life. Is that possible? Since 2012, the team at the District Future real-world laboratory in Karlsruhe's district Oststadt has been researching how we can create the sustainable city of the future together. In the podcast "Labor Zukunft - Forschung ohne Kittel" (Laboratory Future - research without lab coat), we provide insights from our research and practice into a good and sustainable life in Karlsruhe. We discover transformation processes on site and provide food for thought on how a city can be made (more) sustainable.
A new podcast episode always appears on the last Tuesday of the month at 8 p.m. on the Campusradio Karlsruhe webstream and on 104.8 FM.
Listen to all episodes of Labor Zukunft on Campusradio Karlsruhe
Moderation: Helena Trenks
Podcast episodes