Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Evangelische Laurentiusgemeinde Hagsfeld,
Schäferstraße 11-15, 76139 Karlsruhe
Schäferstraße 11-15, 76139 Karlsruhe
Dr. Volker Stelzer
Am Samstag, 22. März 2025 um 20.30 Uhr Ortszeit findet unter dem Motto „Licht aus. Stimme an. Für einen lebendigen Planeten.“ die nächste Earth Hour statt. Dann wird wieder überall auf der ganzen Welt in der jeweiligen Zeitzone für eine Stunde das Licht ausgestellt, um gemeinsam ein starkes Zeichen für mehr Klimaschutz zu setzen.
Herzliche Einladung zum Klimaschutz-Abend mit Klimaschutz-Forscher Dr. Volker Stelzer (KIT). Das Umweltteam der Laurentiusgemeinde freut sich auf Ihren Besuch!
Herzliche Einladung zum Klimaschutz-Abend mit Klimaschutz-Forscher Dr. Volker Stelzer (KIT). Das Umweltteam der Laurentiusgemeinde freut sich auf Ihren Besuch!
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Der gesamte KIT Campus Süd
Der Tag der offenen Tür ist ein Wissenschaftsfest für die Öffentlichkeit und bildet den Auftakt für das Karlsruher Wissenschaftsfestival "EFFEKTE". Unter dem Slogan „Effektvoll am KIT“ stellt das KIT alle zwei Jahre Experimente und Labore vor und bietet Aktivitäten für Groß und Klein, Vorträge und Mitmachangebote sowie ein unterhaltsames Bühnenprogramm.
Beim Campustag stellen die KIT-Fakultäten ihre Studiengänge vor und bieten tolle Mitmachaktionen, Experimente, Führungen u.v.m. an. Natürlich kommen auch Themen wie Auslandsstudium, Karrierechancen, Bewerbung und Zulassung oder die Unterstützung beim Studieneinstieg nicht zu kurz. Auf Campustouren mit Studienberaterinnen und Studierenden lernt man die wichtigsten Einrichtungen des KIT kennen und kann Fragen zum Studium stellen. Die Hochschulgruppen präsentieren sich auf dem Forum und zeigen die Vielfalt des Campuslebens.
Beim Campustag stellen die KIT-Fakultäten ihre Studiengänge vor und bieten tolle Mitmachaktionen, Experimente, Führungen u.v.m. an. Natürlich kommen auch Themen wie Auslandsstudium, Karrierechancen, Bewerbung und Zulassung oder die Unterstützung beim Studieneinstieg nicht zu kurz. Auf Campustouren mit Studienberaterinnen und Studierenden lernt man die wichtigsten Einrichtungen des KIT kennen und kann Fragen zum Studium stellen. Die Hochschulgruppen präsentieren sich auf dem Forum und zeigen die Vielfalt des Campuslebens.
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Die Tage des offenen Reallabors finden vom 30. Juni bis zum 6. Juli 2025 statt und möchten Interessierten Einblicke in die Reallaborarbeit vor Ort ermöglichen sowie die Sichtbarkeit der Reallabore und den Austausch zwischen den Reallaboren fördern. Mitmachen kann jedes Reallabor – im Sinne des Reallaborverständnisses des Netzwerks – im deutschsprachigen Raum und darüber hinaus, das Beiträge für eine Nachhaltige Entwicklung erarbeitet und Besuchende in der Aktionswoche für ein oder mehrere Tage willkommen heißt. Das Netzwerk "Reallabore der Nachhaltigkeit" wird mit einem Rahmenprogramm, Flyern und Sichtbarkeit auf der Website unterstützen.
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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Translated with (free version)
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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Translated with (free version)
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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Translated with (free version)
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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Translated with (free version)
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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Translated with (free version)