KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93
Kreativ- und Ideenwettbewerb für Schüler:innen der 5. bis 9. Klasse
Stell Dir vor, Du bist im Jahr 2055! Wie sieht das Leben in Karlsruhe und Umgebung aus? Welche Technologien verwenden wir, und wie verändern sie unser Leben?
Zum 30-jährigen Jubiläum des Instituts für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS) laden wir Schüler:innen ein, ihre Visionen und Ideen für die Zukunft mit uns zu teilen. Welche Wünsche und Vorstellungen hast Du für das Leben in 30 Jahren? Was ist Dir wichtig und vor allem, wie kann Technik dabei helfen? Sende uns Deine Idee!
Reiche jetzt Deinen Beitrag ein und gewinne tolle Preise!
Die Preisverleihung zum Wettbewerb findet am 16.10.2025 im Rahmen der KIT Science Week im TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum statt.
Alle Infos unter:
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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