
Stadtkirche Karlsruhe
Was hat die Kunst mit der Bewahrung der Schöpfung zu tun? Was motiviert Künstler:innen, sich für den Klimaschutz einzusetzen? Muss Kunst vielleicht sogar einen Beitrag leisten oder sollte sie sich besser nicht vor den „Öko-Karren“ spannen lassen?
Zu diesen Fragen diskutieren Kunstschaffende aus Karlsruhe, Stuttgart und Berlin mit dem Journalisten Jochen Siegle:
-         Frank Raddatz, Leiter und Gründer des Theaters des Anthropozän in Berlin
-         Heinrich Gölzenleuchter, Posaunist der Staatskapelle Karlsruhe, Orchester des Wandels e.V.
-         Indra Schelble, Bildende Künstlerin, Kunstvermittlerin und akademische Mitarbeiterin am KIT
-         Julia Ochs, Meeres-Fotografin, Gründerin der Ocean Gallery in Stuttgart
Moderiert wird die Diskussion von Jochen Siegle (Reporters for Future).
In Kooperation mit den Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS) des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT)
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Dr. Somidh Saha, ITAS-KIT
Karlsruhe is becoming warmer and drier as climate changes in southwest Germany. Large city trees often become the first target for removal during infrastructure projects. At the same time, the poor vitality of city trees due to climate change impacts, diseases, and early aging of trees also sometimes contributes to the premature removal of trees. In this presentation, I will show the importance of large trees in cooling and biodiversity conservation in urban areas (e.g., streets, cemeteries, and parks) and provide some outlook on improving arboriculture and tree care so that the large trees can be kept in the city for a longer time. I will provide examples from the concluded GrüneLunge, ongoing URBORETUM, and other research projects.
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Rintheimer Straße 46 …
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration
Culture / Fun
MobiLab on Tour
Catherinettes Room
8 Rue Kléber 68000 Colmar
The KIT mobile participatory laboratory (MobiLab) is going to Colmar! Within the framework of the theme of sustainability in the Upper Rhine region, actions are planned in the field of knowledge transfer, scientific communication and research in cooperation with researchers from Karlsruhe, Colmar, Mulhouse and Strasbourg. Citizens will have the opportunity to experience “science at their fingertips” and interact with researchers. © KAT
Culture / Fun
MobiLab on Tour
Catherinettes Room
8 Rue Kléber 68000 Colmar
The KIT mobile participatory laboratory (MobiLab) is going to Colmar! Within the framework of the theme of sustainability in the Upper Rhine region, actions are planned in the field of knowledge transfer, scientific communication and research in cooperation with researchers from Karlsruhe, Colmar, Mulhouse and Strasbourg. Citizens will have the opportunity to experience “science at their fingertips” and interact with researchers. © KAT
Culture / Fun
MobiLab on Tour
Catherinettes Room
8 Rue Kléber 68000 Colmar
The KIT mobile participatory laboratory (MobiLab) is going to Colmar! Within the framework of the theme of sustainability in the Upper Rhine region, actions are planned in the field of knowledge transfer, scientific communication and research in cooperation with researchers from Karlsruhe, Colmar, Mulhouse and Strasbourg. Citizens will have the opportunity to experience “science at their fingertips” and interact with researchers. © KAT
Exerzitienhaus Himmelspforten der Diözese Würzburg
Dr. Volker Stelzer, ITAS
Gesamte Veranstaltung geht von Di. 19.11.2024 - Mi. 20.11.2024, Ganztägig
Vortrag von Dr. Volker Stelzer ist am Mi., 20.11., um 10.45 Uhr
Auf der Klimaschutztagung der Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft e.V. (FEST) tauschen sich Expertinnen und Experten über Erfahrungen bei der Umsetzung von kirchlichen Klimaschutzkonzepten aus. Mit dabei ist Dr. Volker Stelzer vom Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS), der über die Beteiligung der Kirche an kommunaler Wärmeplanung spricht. Die Tagung richtet sich insbesondere an die Verantwortlichen in den Landeskirchen und Bistümern (Klimaschutzmanagement), die mit der Umsetzung von Klimaschutzkonzepten befasst sind, sowie an alle Interessierten, die die Erstellung eines Klimaschutzkonzepts beziehungsweise die Umsetzung von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen planen und an einer Vernetzung interessiert sind. 
Weitere Infos
Online (den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)
Start your own #climatechallenge!
The #climatechallenge is aimed at people who would like to get more involved in climate protection and would like to hold their own workshop in their private or professional environment. In the approximately three-hour online training you will get to know the workshop format in more detail. Anyone who works or does voluntary work in municipalities, neighborhoods, clubs or parishes can take part. We also offer all participants in the training courses supervision for exchange and networking.
Places are limited. The training language is German. Participation is free of charge.
The organizer is the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change at ITAS. The #climatechallenge project is funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative.
More information and registration