

Climate Puzzle Workshop at "Zukunftsraum" on 08/25.

Sunday, 25 August 2024, 14:00-17:00
Rintheimer Straße 46
76131 Karlsruhe

Test, deepen and share your climate knowledge!


Understand our climate system in just three hours? You can with the climate puzzle. The climate puzzle is a workshop based on the reports of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and breaks down the most important information on 42 playing cards. As a team, you put these playing cards in the order of cause and effect and thus recognize the systemic nature of climate change. The approach promotes critical and interdisciplinary thinking, boosts team spirit and provides space for open dialog and solution-oriented discussion, so that both professionals and newcomers can take something away with them. Sounds complicated - but it's very simple!


The workshop takes place in three phases:

1) THINKING (approx. 90 minutes): in 5 rounds, the team examines the 42 playing cards for their cause-and-effect relationship and creates the puzzle together.   

2) CREATIVITY (approx. 30 minutes): colorful design of the finished puzzle in order to process and assimilate what has been learned.  

3) REFLECTION (approx. 60 minutes): enter into dialog, reflect together, exchange ideas and have a solution-oriented discussion. Share thoughts, motivations and fears and think about next steps.


Background: The workshop inspires many participants to become workshop leaders themselves. This resulted in a worldwide community of climate puzzlers: We puzzle in over 150 countries in 45 languages! Around 1,700,000 people worldwide have already done the puzzle! 


Suitable for adults and young people aged 14 and over. Minimum number of participants for the workshop: 4 people.

Interested / Everyone