Shaping change together

Sustainable development can only succeed on the basis of society as a whole and together. The Karlsruhe Transformation Center contributes to this by engaging in addressee-specific communication, interaction, participation and moderation, as well as mediation in cases of conflict.

On the path to sustainability, it is important to overcome particular interests, counter polarizing tendencies, bring together different world views, values and thought patterns, and develop common visions. A further step is to build trust, form networks and develop intermediary structures and, at best, stable collaborations.

Do you want to network or are you looking for support in communication processes? Please feel free to contact us.

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KAT Buergerforum Willkommensschild vor Zukunftsraum

Involving citizens

The team of the Karlsruhe Transformation Center designs, organizes and accompanies participatory events. For example, the "BürgerForum Nachhaltige Oststadt" (Citizens' Forum Sustainable East City), in which more than 300 participants developed contributions for sustainable urban development in an intensive process. Citizens' dialogues bring science and society into conversation, while workshops held by pioneers of change in cooperation with the city administration and committed citizens serve to promote understanding and identify new opportunities.

Network Real-World Labs of Sustainability

For the understanding and networking of real-world labs in the European area, the team of the Karlsruhe Transformation Center initiated the Network Real-World Labs of Sustainability and launched it in 2019 together with other institutions. The network now unites over 60 real-world labs and 40 institutions. The goals are to exchange, learn from each other and increase the visibility of real-world lab research. You can become a member here.

Further fields of action